The songs that come from my mouth, the words that come from my heart, the music that comes from my guitar... may God be able to reach through them, and touch you. As I sing, for my King, may you find something you're looking for... peace in the middle of strife, hope in the middle of desperation, comfort in the middle of pain, joy in the middle of unhappiness, or compassion in the middle of loneliness. These songs are MY soul, laid bare...they have been my cries, my praises, and my prayers. Am I comfortable with sharing them?...I'm not quite sure yet (LOL) but I know that the songs He has given to me, have done great things in my life...may they, also, in yours.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you...I may just get on here sometimes, to "Ramble On" about what God's doing <3

April 24, 2012


I realize something!...
I want everything to be perfect! I've had this blog, and ~REALLY~ want it to be an instrument through which God's Spirit can flow and touch people...BUT, I've been letting Satan lie to me :(  I haven't been posting all of these wonderful songs God's given me over the years, because I obsess over perfection!
I set-out to record songs (way more often than you would think) sit, play, sing, record it, etc...than when I watch it I think, "Yuck, I sound pitchy" or "Oh my goodness! I act so ridiculous" or "Jeez, my timing is sorta' off" or "I look so stupid!"  and "I have no idea what I'm doing on the guitar!" and so on, and so on,  and so on!
So, PLEASE keep me in your prayers! I know that the songs God has given me are EXACTLY from God! It says in James 1:17
"Every good and perfect gift is from above". 
I am gonna ~GO FOR IT~
 I don't want to hold back! I'm not trying to impress anyone!These songs have given me hope, love,  joy, encouragement,
 and lots more! If there is the possibility that God might use just one of them to touch just one of you, than I am honored and humbled!
I know that THAT puts a smile on my Father's face :)

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